Studio. Youtube. com/dashboard

Studio. Youtube. com/dashboard

Nowadays, YOUTUBE is a daily part of our life. If you are a YouTuber, become a YouTuber with the YouTube Studio to make your channel more effective. YouTube Studio is a tool that aids you in achieving the goals you set for your channel or videos or provides features that help you run your channel. This site lets you upload and edit your videos, monitor views, reply to comments, create and control playlists, and manage settings. Further on, you will see all the tool’s functions and the YouTube Studio’s specifications.

What Is YouTube Studio?

YouTube Studio is a Creator Dashboard on YouTube that focuses more on channel management. It is fully equipped to provide you with the necessary tools and instruments for managing this or that channel, from the analysis of each of the videos posted to monetization instruments.

There is also a version of YouTube Studio that is entirely on the web – you do not have to download an app to tweak your channel; however, there are YouTube Studio apps for both Apple and Android devices.

Is YouTube Studio Free?

The platform has many features and tools, so you might wonder: Note that creating a studio and using YouTube Studio is free. Luckily, YouTube Studio is an additional free feature that can be accessed by every platform user with an account online.

YouTube Studio Features

YouTube Studio: what is it, and what functions does it perform? It is incredibly versatile and has virtually anything a content creator could require. In this section, we discuss the useful functions of YouTube Studio, which users complain about and are helpful for them.

Content Management

Under the Content tab within the given platform, uploading and further organizing YouTube videos and live streams is possible. If you are a content creator, you may have many videos on your YouTube channel, or YouTube channel may contain many videos. It makes it very convenient to filter your post content by title, posting date, viewership, comment, or love.

From this view, you can also manage each unique video. Visiting the Detail page of this video, you can modify all the basic settings related to the video, such as the title, description, or thumbnail, provided you own the video, i.e., have uploaded it to the site yourself, as well as view more detailed statistics information and comments related only to this video.


We know that with playlists, you can categorize or sort your videos, keep feeding your audience fresh content, and simultaneously gain more watch time. This page also has a list of playlists that belong to the channel, and more importantly, you can create new playlists from this page.


You can also look at the performance metrics of your channel and videos to get an idea of what users enjoy hearing and what changes can be made to grab their attention. In the Analytics section of YouTube Studio, you can access data collected into four tabs: In the Analytics section of YouTube Studio, you can access data collected into four tabs:

Overview: Comprises views, watches time, and subscribers.

Reach: Additional data from the company include impressions (how frequently a thumbnail of your video was viewed on YouTube) and traffic sources.

Popular videos and stats like watch time and the average length of time viewers clocked on the video.

Audience: Knowing your viewers or subscribers, their age, gender, and location, among other factors, is important.

Comment Management

Responding to comments is one aspect of managing your brand or business, and indeed, you might find it hard to reply to as many as hundreds of comments sometimes per video if your audience is growing. The comment section is where you can see through a feed and interact with comments left on videos that you have posted or own. This panel also allows for the filtering of specific words or phrases, managing all pending comments, deleting comments directly, reporting spam, and responding to comments.


That is, as a creator, as a content creator, you want your content, especially videos, to reach as many people as you can and make the content accessible to the masses. Subtitles can be added in a similar section or in the YouTube studio, where subtitles are available. You can do this in many ways; one is to upload a file that has already been written down, and the other is to use auto-translate. You might need to try all the recommended ways to choose the one you like most; however, it will be helpful.

How to use YouTube?

  1. Some sites will require users to click the login link and enter their accounts to access more content.

Click on YouTube to browse the site, but ensure you are in the right account if you have several. Such a situation may still be applicable. For example, you have your account for personal use and a separate business or brand page. If you want to switch between accounts, please click Switch Account between the words at the top of the site.

  1. Navigate to YouTube Studio

You should click on your avatar in the top right corner of the main YouTube interface and then choose YouTube Studio. Or, go to the studio. It will take you to the channel you prefer, where you will see the channel dashboard.

  1. View the Dashboard

The first is the high-level summary view of the channel, the first screen appearing when you log in to the system. From a particular date, you can view stats of your last video compared to usual, some channel stats based on the current count, the top videos from the last 48 hrs watch time, views of the past 28 days, and known bugs in YouTube. There are also several buttons available on the top right corner of the interface; they are – shortcuts to upload a video or go live.

  1. Manage Videos

To perform operations regarding videos, click on the Content option in the toolbar on the left part of the program’s window. When I click there, I get a list of all the videos and all the live streams hosted on my account. For example, if you want to edit a specific video, move your pointer over the thumbnail, and four icons will appear. To edit a specific video thumbnail, roll your pointer over the video thumbnail to reveal four icons that give you options regarding that specific video, including How to edit video details, view video stats, and check comments on that particular video, among others. For a video to remain placed within a playlist, the playlists options tab can sort the videos accordingly.

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